Update: ASB Case 19914 - abusive and threatening behaviour. Dear Plus, I need to update the Council regarding the latest incident in this case (circa 2 o'clock this afternoon, 17th November) - please forward as appropriate. Philip "Frothy" Bradley of 157 High Street made his way up the stairs to indulge in a fresh round of abusive and threatening behaviour, witnessed by my immediate neighbour, Colin Smart of 161 High Street (and probably his 'partner', Carole) with Colin additionally keen to impress on me that I was, amongst other things, a "pillock" and that I should "f*** off"; I responded that I had no dependency on alcohol and had relative control of my bodily functions, employing a toilet-bowl rather than defecating, in contrast to his partner, on the communal landing and also suggested that Mr Smart purchase a teddy-bear for Mr Bradley which will not trash the neighbourhood with its excreta, before retiring to my apartment to avoid escalation of this unnecessary conflict. As it happens, West Midlands Police then rang to discuss another matter, with PCSO Randhawa (30009) witnessing the continuous shouting of my neighbours through my apartment door; Randhawa promised to update the crime numbers linked to this case (20DY/97321X/20 - ASB and 20DY/97326N/20 - Assault).  I must note here that at no point did I return any of the abusive language or return any of the threats of physical violence. David "Bill" Austin 162 High Street Britain's Last Civilised Man. PS: Monies are available if the Council would like to present my neighbour, or all three, with a teddy-bear, though I suggest The Lye's Christmas tree be dismantled and sold-off to provide toys for its adults.